Diego Carlos
Diego Carlos Santos Silva
Current Club: Aston Villa.
Previous Clubs: Sevilla, Nantes, Estoril Praia, Madureira, Paulista-SP, Sao Paulo, Desportivo.
Loan Clubs: Porto.
International: Brazil 6 caps.
Trophies Won: Europa League 2019/20. Olympics Gold Medal 2021.
Carlos is a ball-playing centre-back with a tendency towards rashness, particularly in the tackle. While he is very good on the ball, almost the stereotypical Brazilian defender in that respect, his composure can vanish at any moment and lead to a wild lunge or silly pass. And he does seem to do that at least once a game, even now he is in his 30s, Carlos has still not ironed out the rashness from his game, when usually you would expect experience to remove it.
A part of that rashness does come from his attempts to play on the front foot and attack the ball, rather than wait for the opponent to do something. Carlos is quick and strong, quite imposing physically and good in the air. He also reads the game well, which allows him to work very well in Emery's system. Carlos is able to usually know the right time to push up or to drop, allowing the high line to work well with him in it.
However, while his rashness can lead to him being suspended ocassionally, far more worrying is his injury history, which sees him miss spells every season. Overall Carlos is strong, fast, aggressive and very good at picking off opponent's passes but you do have to wonder if, at the age of 31, his injuries will just become more of a problem than they currently are. While most have been fairly minor ones, requiring just a few weeks off, that can cause strain on the body.
With his very physical style of play, it is likely that Carlos will continue to pick up injuries, which will take a toll and lead to him spending longer and longer on the treatment table and almost certainly affect his pace in the near future. He is certainly good enough to adapt when that happens, but it is unlikely it will be while playing in a top tier league. He might well have to go the way of Pepe if he wants to continue playing into his late 30s, and drop down to a weaker league to become a team leader there.
Requested by - zpecialone, Deependra, sms, phil LFC